“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell

Mindfulness Services

ULS has developed and implemented the Mindfulness in Motion™ concept into all of its facility locations where it provides services. This unique approach to staff management and team building sets ULS apart from every other commercial cleaning provider.

Mindfulness simply means being aware of oneself, inside and outside, of knowing the simple: I am. In only a few minutes a day, it connects you with your higher self. This generates a positive and radiant energy that others around you can feel, and makes you more grounded and confident.

This unique approach to staff management allows ULS to implement healthy workday practices with our team that shifts their own perception of what it means to deliver cleaning services. ULS staff operate on principles of mindful awareness in everything we do, from how we engage with people to how we utilize the equipment, and the energy we radiate when we are onsite.

Mindfulness is achievable and accessible to anyone, especially when all the tools are at your immediate disposal. We make that happen.

Valued clients of ULS can now enjoy the same access to mindful activities as the ULS team.

ULS has collaborated with experienced, professional, certified, and well-known coaches to help us and you get started. Meditation and Yoga classes, stress relief exercises and healthy cooking classes are just some of the many programs to be made available. Trust it will be fun, and you will not be alone in it.

Happy office workers doing yoga, sitting in lotus pose on mats, and meditating – as well as employees exercising during the break are just some of our concepts for mindfulness, stress relief, and lifestyle.

Simply complete the “Get in Touch” form below and we will send you regular updates on our latest Mindfulness in Motion offerings.

“It’s like having an anchor. If I don’t do it, it feels like I’m constantly chasing the day, as opposed to being controlled and dictate the day.” – Kobe Byrant on meditation

Our Advocates

Rocco Bova International Luxury Hotels Managing Director & Wellness Advocator

The concept of Clean & Cleanse, came to me about as so impactful. I have known Sunandita for about 15 years and I knew she was someone with a special gift. When she launched her own company, it was clear to me that she would be a disruptor.

Clean & Cleanse is just the perfect concept for times like the one we are all going through now, and more so for the coming future. We all want to feel safe and healthy and Urbane Luxury Services are just providing this sense of wellbeing to our surroundings and the space we live or work.

Jeffrey Eisen, Toronto Based Spiritual Life Coach

I’M JEFFREY EISEN. I’m a Toronto-based spiritual life coach, channeler, energy intuitive, teacher, and nature & travel photographer. My mission is to help shift the consciousness of the planet one individual at a time.

Sunandita’s idea of holistic “Clean & Cleanse” is meaningful and something all of us should be mindful about. I wish her all the best in her life’s journey, in building & offering a consortium of coaches who can work together to create a meaningful awareness

Sing & Play Music

What is your hobby? A little while back, at the CAMH when her counsellor asked this question to Sunnadita, she looked more miserable than ever before, because she finally had to admit that in her daily grinds, she forgot she had a hobby.

In the words of William Shakespeare, “if music is the food of love, then play on”. We all live to love ourselves, and we want to make that your mantra. Start strumming with Sunandita!

Find our rental choices for guitars, grab one, get going with our music maestros on remote classes once a week, you will soon learn why Sunandita loves playing guitar.

Art & Craft

Can you think of the first sketch you made in school?

It’s okay if you can’t, after all – it’s been a long time and the stress of life has clouded our collective minds. With that said, we simply encourage you to participate in our remote arts classes and start living your life again with your inner child.

Talk to us if you want to know more.

We have a small community that engages in self-mastery regularly, discover its therapeutic value to your daily life in just 5 minutes.

Learn & Speak

Ever wanted to master a new language? Maybe French, now that is our national language here. It is interesting to note, that we all have a lot of reserved ideas, knowledge, incidents stored deep in our subconscious minds, and learning a new language helps replace those bad experiences and feelings that you don’t want in your subconscious mind, with new feelings, new experiences, and a new skill. You will quickly learn how it activates our dopamine, the happy hormone as we call it, and energizes our mind with no effort.

Cook & Eat

Hear our informed nutrition coaches offer a new approach to your eating styles and daily diets. There are more ways to eat than we know of, as each body is unique and requires individual assessment and regime. Join us in the webinars and see how we can make your daily lives so much tastier.

Spa Therapies

ULS has partnered with our President’s favorite masseuse group, Hand & Stone, to offer you some exciting deals, helping you build massages not just within your routine lifestyle but also within your budget.
If you want abundance in life, you need to imaginatively experience the exact same abundance each day of your life until you find your highest abundance in physical reality. Try and trust.

Energy Workouts

The word therapy may be a dreaded word to some, but we aim to change that.

Sunandita’s personal journey through therapy has changed her perception so much that she now does it as a fun activity, controlling her mind and body with a mix of purpose and grace.
We offer you fabulous, certified, experienced guides who will guide you through meditation, yoga, reiki, and hypnotherapy.

Our goal is simply to help you find your own energy; build it the way you want it & let it stay around you at all times. We do not need to have a disease, or a disability to work on our energies, we simply need to make it a part of our daily lives.

Meet with our life coaches and buddies as Sunnadita calls them, attend our sessions, discover which is your favorite, enroll and give it a shot.

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